We are pleased to introduce our corporate entity to you. It is the very first Centre in Catalonia that gathers all the health specialities involved in foot care under one roof.
Over the years, my personal experience has taught me the need for seamless communication among different health professionals in cases where the patient requires the interaction of different disciplines, thereby raising the possibilities of success.
Ourtherapeutic methodologyis based on theprevention, diagnosis andtreatment of all kindsof pathologiesby making use ofthe latest technologiesand keeping an ever present holistic perspective.
The aims set out by the I.C.P.are not simply limited totherapeutictreatmentbut also extend to teaching.
Our teachingsideisfocused ontraining courses, which are open to allhealth professionals, conferences, prevention programmes, publications, and so on.
We presentthis pageas a sourceof informationand collaborationamonghealth professionalsand Internet userswho are interested inthe worldof the foot andits interactionwith different disciplines.
Throughour articles, we would like to publish andrevealthe enormouscomplexity surroundingthe foot,both in terms ofpreventionof diseases and the latest cutting-edge treatments applied in theI.C.P.
This is an open page through which we invitehealth professionals to publish theirown articles,suggesttopics or give opinions, or simply comment on acasewhere there are certain doubtsand where opinions can be exchanged.
Miguel Ángel Baños Bernad Director I. C. P.
He is Director of the “Institut Català del Peu” (Catalan Foot Institute), Boss of the Official Biomechanical Unit of the Catalan Tennis Federation, lecturer at the “Universitat de Barcelona” (UB) or Barcelona University (Podiatric teaching) and a Member of the International Science and Technology Academy. He holds a Master and Postgraduate degrees in Podiatric Surgery (UB), a Postgraduate Degree in Biomechanics (UB) and a degree in Anthropology. He was decorated with the “Gran Creu al Mèrit Acadèmic”(The Grand Cross for Academic Merit) awarded by the AICT in 2011.