About us

C/Roselló, 335 baixos, Barcelona
Gran Via Carles III, 63 baixos, Barcelona
Enablethe interaction of all healthspecialtiesinvolvedin foot carebased on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all types ofpathologiesthrough the use ofthe latest cutting-edge technologieswhilekeeping an ever present holistic perspective.
The I.C. P. or InstitutoCatalán del Pieaspires to be a pioneering Centrein the diffusion of knowledge,training andinnovationinvolving the footin order to improve the preventionand risksattributedto the general lack of understanding and importance of the foot.
Our feetare the support forour whole body!
At the Institutewe placethe patient atthe heart of allour decisions;we have researchas ourdriving forceand training asour responsibility andcommitment to society.
Ourinspiration isbased on:
- Collaboration.
- Implication.
- Tolerance.
- CSR and commitment.
- Teamwork.
- Dialogue with all our stakeholders.
- Creativityand innovation.