On the 3rd of May of 2018 in Valencia city, took place unanimously, the appointment as an Executive Deputy Director of the Academy of Science and Technology, Mr. Miguel Ángel Baños Bernad, in the session of the Executive Board celebrated in the International Academy of Science and Technology.
This position was given this week to Mr. Miguel Ángel Baños Bernad by Mr. José Hoyo Rodrigo, Chairperson of the International Academy of Science and Technology during a working lunch in Barcelona’s Academic local office.
Mr. Miguel Ángel Baños Bernad next to Mr. Juan de Dios Cívico, Representative in Barcelona of the International Academy of Science and Technology, and Mr. José Hoyo, Chairman of the International Academy of Science and Technology.
Speech by Mr. José Hoyo Rodrigo.
Working session.
Mr. Miguel Ángel Baños Bernad during his speech while he was taking up his post.
Mr. Miguel Ángel Baños Bernad next to Mr. Emilio Ablanedo Reyes, the Government’s Sub-representative in Barcelona.
Mr. Miguel Ángel Baños Bernad next to Mr. Eduard Tarnawski.