Entries by Miguel Ángel Baños Bernad

Biomechanics: articulation of the ankle

It consists of the joints between the distal peroneal tibia and superior aspect of the astragalus, also called distal tibioperoneal, tibioastragalus and peronealastragalus.The most important ligaments are the deltoid at a medial level and the ligamentum talotibiale anterius and posterius, tibiocalcanean and tibioscaphoid in a lateral level. The astragalus, is a singular bone due to […]


The bunion (photo number 1), an unattractive and common deformity of foot, of apparent simplicity, it is nowadays a serious etiopathogenic and therapeutic problem. The wide variety of suggested techniques for its correction and the diversity of etiologic theories, create without any doubt, a series of controversies of uncertain solution. The bunion must be treated […]

Immediate postoperative of the patient.

A digital exostosis is a circumscribed partial hypertrophia from the surface of the phalanx of any toe. The exostosis is a process of the phalanx without a broken periosteum and with no migration. Radiologically, it is unilateral, with an osteocartilaginous configuration, without its own ossification nucleus, radiopaque and with no deference from the adjacent bone. […]

Ankle and Foot Orthosis

Ankle orthoses, also known as AFO (ankle foot orthosis), are devices (braces) frequently used in our day-to-day practice among patients who have severe dynamic anomalies. This kind of orthesis is like an external brace adapted to the lower extremity that modifies the neuromuscularskeletal structure as well as its functionality.The ankle foot brace makes a plantar […]

More frequent amputations of lower extremity

In this issue I will show you the amputations more frequently gained that come to visit to my office. The amputations are the only possible treatment to an affection situation of a member with a null and void answer to other medicochirurgical treatments more conservative. The amputation has many causes such as for example, vascular […]