The bullous pemphigoid is a chronic dermic disease which begins with big ampules and filled with a clear liquid.
The bullous pemphigoid is more common among adults and appears in skin folds such as armpits, abdomen and extremities and it is not contagious. The cause of this lesion is the interaction of the immune system through the creation of antibodies which attack the proteins located between the dermis and the epidermis.
Although its appearance has an unknown cause, it is associated with the interaction of some medicines such as diuretics or antibiotics, being the duration of this pathology of a wide interval which takes in from months to years and subsequently it can show recidivations.
The bullous pemphigoid appears more frequently associated to some pathologies such as diabetes, the ulcerative colitis, the rheumatoid arthritis or the multiple sclerosis.
The symptoms of the bullous pemphigoid can begin from some weeks or months before the appearance of the ampules through the presence of itch. The ampules are a kind of thick and they go accompanied around by a reddish halo and they can appear in mucosas like mouth or eyes. These ampules can burst themselves causing ulcers. The patients affected by bullous pemphigoid can have pain or an intense tiredness.
It is diagnosed by a cutaneous and analytic biopsy. The most frequent complications of the bullous pemphigoid are the appearance of infections in skin, as well as the general contraindications of the corticosteroids on its therapeutic use.
Its treatment is symptomatic and it is designed to reduce the appearance of ampules, as well as the itch or irritation by corticosteroids or medicines which reduce the immune response like the nicotinamide or the tetracycline. It is advisable to avoid drinking alcohol, as well as acid food, hot food or raw vegetables. It is also recommendable to prevent from sun exposure or heat. The external use application of anti-inflammatory creams because of the itch and moisturizing creams can help to improve the symptomatology.

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