The cellulitis is an acute infection with a bacterial origin which affects the subcutaneous conjunctive tissue, due to a skin rupture. The most common bacteria when the cellulitis appears are the Aureus Staphylococcus and the Streptococcus of A group (S. Pyogenes).
The cellulitis has a cutaneous zone with a diffused reddening, pain, edema and occasionally, suppuration. It is frequent the appearance of a cutaneous lesion as a way of the infection.
The cellulitis appears as a consequence of different lesions in skin, like for example:
- Wounds or cutaneous treatments.
- Stings from insects or bites from animals.
- Burns.
- Surgical incisions.
- Ulcerations because of vascular pathology and diabetes.
- Treatments with immunodepressor drugs or diseases with an affection of the immune system (leukemia, AIDS, etc.).
Other risk factors are the athlete’s foot, cutaneous lacerations due to humidity, the obstruction of lymphatic channels, obesity and the venous insufficiency.
It usually appears in arms, legs, feet and face. It starts with an inflammation in the first days and it can grow quickly causing also lymphangiitis or thrombophlebitis.
In the prevention of cellulitis it is important to wash and to disinfect wounds, as well as all necessary means for a good and a complete hygiene.
The treatment on slight circumstances it is important the oral antibiotic therapy, together with anti-inflammatory or analgesic drugs, if necessary.
It is advisable to rest and the raising of the affected extremity.
In case that it doesn’t bring about a remission of in two or three days, if there is fever or full affection of cellulitis, it is recommended the antibiotic treatment by intravenous pathway. In case there is a purulent abscess, it is important to drain it surgically.
Ulceration on fleshy part of third toe with tumefaction
Dermic lesion on dorsum of fifth toe with spread of cellulitis on dorsum pedis.
Cellulitis on second toe due to an interdigital lesion.