Miguel Ángel Baños Bernad
The glomus tumor is a benign neoplasia of a vascular origin and an unknown cause. The glomus tumors are made of the hyperplasia of the glomus body or dermic arteriovenous anastomosis which regulates the temperature and the control of the peripheral sanguineous flow. They are located in the nail bed at the level of the deep dermis or the subcutaneous cellular tissue.
The glomus tumors are characterized by paroxysmal pain, hypersensitiveness in the touch, and thermal hypersensitiveness in cold weather. There are two different kinds of glomus tumors: the solitary and the multiple one. The solitary glomus tumor is acquired and it is the most frequent, appearing usually in adult people. The multiple glomus tumor has a hereditary origin showing several lesions which are mainly painless and it appears on early ages.
The clinical diagnosis shows subungual, reddish or bluish spots with pain to the pressure or the change of temperature. We can see, sometimes, deformities of the nail layer. Other diagnosis involves the radiologic assessment in order to check if there is some osseous affectation, either the magnetic resonance in order to determine the affectation of soft tissues and its exact location.
The treatment involves the surgical removal of such tumor, because in the glomus tumors of solitary type, they are encapsulated. In case the glomus tumor is located at a subungual level, it will be necessary the total or partial removal of the nail layer, depending on the size or location. It is very important the pathological anatomical study of the removed tumor in order to confirm the diagnosis completely.